
Txantrea's ecological heat network

Together towards a more sustainable future

The Heat Network uses certified sustainable biomass, endorsed by the SURE Certification*
* Registration number: SURE-EU/ES-001/Z20244062

What is Txantrea's heat network?


The Txantrea Heat Network offers all its residents an ecological and economical alternative to heat their homes.

The heat network consists of underground insulated pipes for the distribution of hot water for heating and domestic hot water (DHW). The energy to heat this water comes from the Txantrea power plant, where a boiler fed by biomass from a neighboring forest produces ecological, renewable heat with significant economic savings.


ENGIE is a leader in district heating networks, managing more than 300 networks across Europe. These include the largest heating and cooling network in the Iberian Peninsula, located in Barcelona.

Benefits of the Txantrea heat network


Savings in heating and domestic hot water

No initial investment, we take care of the installation of the heat exchanger

Reduction of CO2 emissions, we fight with you against climate change

Reduced dependence on fossil fuels

Nearby renewable resources (local biomass) promote local employment

Up to 50% savings on energy bills

Increased security of supply

Did you know?

That in a forested area in Navarre, the size of a football field, 7 tons of wood chips can be produced annually.


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De izquierda a derecha: Idoia Madariaga, responsable del Área de Innovación y Proyectos de Financiación de Navuvinsa; Antonio Jiménez González, presidente de la Cooperativa Calor Chantrea; Fernando Zapata, vicepresidente de la Cooperativa Calor Chantrea; Alberto Martínez, responsable de la Construcción Proyecto Txantrea ENGIE España; Pablo Romera, responsable de Operaciones Txantrea ENGIE España; Xavier Puyal, Head of DHC ENGIE España; Javier Martínez, Responsable del Proyecto en Nasuvinsa.

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Polígono Iturrondo 13-A
  31600, Burlada – Navarra
Tlf. +34 948 197 215